вторник, 21 октября 2008 г.

channel tunnel timetable


I was prescribed 20mg Adderall XR twice a day a few years ago. And I recently went back on (I lost my insurance, but have insurance again now.) And since then Iapos;ve gained all the weight I lost on adderall and some back. I also, since being off all my meds have been very lethragic and depressed, so I�havenapos;t been as active as I used to be. In addition, since I got of the adderall I started smoking, trying to quit now that Iapos;m back on the adderall. ANYWAY (lol)

My question is this, and I will be asking my doctor this, is my weight and current level of fittness liable to cause more noticible side-effects? Is it okay to work out, since my heart is already weak (from being seditary) and the adderall already increases itapos;s work load?

Any help, comments or suggestions would be helpful. Thanks guys

duet washer, channel tunnel timetable, channel tunnel tickets, channel tunnel ticket prices, channel tunnel ticket.

воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

dns troubleshooting windows


Here is where you may suggest nomination categories, either anonymously or while logged in. Examples include:

� � Best "Crack" RPG.
� � Best In-Game Couple.
� � Best RPG (More than 200 Characters.)
� � Best RPG (Less than 200 Characters.)
� � Largest Panfandom RPG.

So on and so forth. Categories can range anywhere from "Best," "Worst," "Crackiest," "Most Fun/Active/Etc." You may post in regards to a gameapos;s theme, a community, a fandom playerbase, a specific player, and everything in between as long as it applies to roleplaying in some way. The moderators will read through the suggested topics and hand-choose which categories will be included in the nomination process. You may reply to a suggestion with your "IAWTC" or whatever you please if you also want the category to be chosen. Chances are, the more popular and in-demand a suggestion is, the more likely we are to pick it.

Remember, however, that NO ACTUAL VOTING WILL BE DONE IN THIS POST. For the sake of cleanliness and organization, please try to keep unnecessary conversation and commentspam to a minimun. Also, while you can suggest "negative" categories, we will not hesitate to freeze threads if/when things begin to get out of hand.
dns troubleshooting windows, dns troubleshooting website, dns troubleshooting tools, dns troubleshooting in linux.

barnes castle

I had some goals going into this marathon. Goal 1 was to finish. Goal 2 was to not finish last. Goal 3 was to beat five hours. After that, things got hazy.

I accomplished all 3 of my goals. I took something like 4 hours and 50 minutes to run 26.2 miles (yes, I am that slow), but I did it. If you see me limping for the next week, well, yeah.

Iapos;m thrilled that I managed it, and Iapos;m in pain...

center gymnastic, barnes castle, barnes carson circus, barnes carson, barnes career noble opportunity.

суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

down lodes

So, Tokitoapos;s been in the institute going on three days now and his hand hasnapos;t given him any notable trouble yet. This obviously needs to change, so Iapos;d like him to have one of his fits (the curled-up-in-a-ball-in-pain kind, not the psycho-violent kind--see icon), but I need someone who will sit through it with him or follow him when he bolts to the bathroom to try to have the fit in private, etc. Someone nice, preferably, though someone nosy and annoying would also work.

So, yeah. Any takers? Pretty please? ^_^
down lodes, down lode.com, down lode music for free, down lode music.

пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

faq legend waker wind zelda

Erin stumbled across this first video, and it lead me to the second one below it. Remember those videos from the 80apos;s that didnapos;t have a damn thing to do with the song? Here, for your approval, are two literal takes on whats actually going on in the video, and the voice over matches eerily to the originals. If you havenapos;t seen the original videos, I highly suggest you look them up on youtube, it will be worth the extra five minutes for a better comparison.

fantastic 4 photo, faq legend waker wind zelda, faq legendia tale, faq lego star war.

faraway finds

What can you do when there seems to be no hope? You can keep going.
Whatapos;s the best option when you feel like giving up? The best option
is to keep going.

How can you respond when circumstances are acting against you? The
most effective response is to continue working your way forward no
matter what other factors may be present.

All that you know is based on past experience, and yet the future does
not equal the past. For right now you can take action to determine
that future and to change the way things will be.

Though it can be easy to give up, remember this. When youapos;re at the
point of giving up, youapos;re also at the point where maximum value can
be created.

If you feel like giving up, then you have nothing to lose and
everything to gain by continuing to push forward. Keep going, for the
reward is closer with every step you take.

-- Ralph Marston
faraway finds, faraway from live silverchair stables, faraway from live stables, faraway gala.


Heh, probably the only thing Iapos;ll ever post on this LJ... Oh well. Itapos;s fun.

Step 1: Put your MP3 player on random.
Step 2: Post the first line from the first 35 songs that play, no matter how embarrassing the song.
Step 3: Let everyone guess what song and artist the lines come from.
Step 4: Bold the songs when someone guesses correctly. (Looking them up on Google or any other search engine is CHEATING)

Okay... Here we go

1. Camelot The town that never sleeps is Camelot
2. Bravely bold Sir Robin rode forth from Camelot.
3. The faster weapos;re falling, weapos;re stopping and stalling, weapos;re running in circles again.
4. Yozora o miage hitori houkiboshi o mita no
5. Would it take a bakerapos;s dozen to get my point to you? Would it take a half a pound to roll that joint for you?
6. Whatcha been doing? Whatcha been doing? Whoah, whoah havenapos;t seen ya round.
7. In the day, in the night, say it right, say it all.
8. I have sailed the world, beheld its wonders, from the pearls of Spain to the Rubies of Tibet. But not even in London have I seen such a wonder
9. At the 25th Annual Putnam Country Spelling Bee, we grew up undeniably, and though our hair is thinning...
10. I got the dynamo of volition the poll-- poll position, automatic transmissions with low-- low emissions.
11. WOO HOO. YEE HOO. WOO HOO. YEE HOO. If I could escape, I would but first of all let me say I must apoligize for acting, stanking, treating ya this way.
12. New York City, uh huh, center of the universe, times are shitty, but Iapos;m pretty sure they canapos;t get worse, I hear yah.
13. Well I saw fireworks from the freeway, but behind closed eyes I canapos;t make them go away because you were born on the 4th of July (freedom ring).
14. Well did you get my message, the one I left while I was trying to condense everything that I meant in a minute or less
15. Hey you bum, yeah you, move over Get your ass off that Range Rover
16. An old man turned 98. He won the lottery and died the next day.
17. Hello? Are you ready? (yes) Then weapos;ll begin.
18. My life is brilliant. My life is brilliant, my love is pure.
19. Iapos;m not threatened by every pair of legs you watch go by.
20. Thereapos;s people in the world today, donapos;t care about the things they say - Whatapos;s that about?
21. Bring another friend out here for this next song, some of you guys my recognize, might know: Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. John Popper. Well Iapos;m a curbside prophet with my hand in my pocket and Iapos;m waiting for my rocket to come.
22. Wake up everyone. How can you sleep at a time like this unless the dreamer is the real you?
23. Whatapos;s the time? Well itapos;s gotta be close to midnight
24. When I get to the bottom I go back to the top of the slide, where I stop and I turn and I go for a ride, till I get to the bottom and I see you again, yeah yeah yeah.
25. Thereapos;s a grief that canapos;t be spoken. Thereapos;s a pain goes on and on.
26. Tommy used to work on the docks, Unionapos;s been on strike, heapos;s down on his luck, itapos;s tough.
27. I used to rule the world, seas would rise when I gave the word.
28. Blackbird singing in the dead of night, take these broken wings and learn to fly all you like.
29. Sheapos;s going out to forget they were together, all that time he was taking her for granted.
30. I still hear your voice when you sleep next to me. I still feel your touch in my dreams.
31. Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention PLEASE Are your nostrils a quiver and tingling as well at the delicate, luscious and rosial smell.
32. I hear sheapos;s kicking ass across the board and rock two hundred thousand higher scorer, Just in time to save the world of being taken over, Sheapos;s a warrior.
33. Hello, hello, hello. Iapos;m waking up at the start of the end of the world, but itapos;s feeling just like every other morning before, now I wonder what my life is going to mean if itapos;s gone.
34. Iapos;m not a perfect person, thereapos;s many things I wish I didnapos;t do.
35. Weapos;re closed for renevation, weapos;re spiffing up and grooming, cause customers are flocking, and business has been booming.
dromedarian, dromedari pound cake, dromedar, dromeda.